Friday, December 10, 2010

Catching Up

I've been mainly absent from the blog for several weeks, and wanted to try and get back into the swing of posting on a semi-regular basis.

It's certainly not from lack of activity that I haven't posted; rather, it's more the opposite.  Above all it's been my focus on my writing that has caused me to put the blog on the backseat--it may not seem so, but writing some of these posts actually takes up a lot of time, and on days where I am not as productive as I would have liked, I often feel guilty about having spent time blogging earlier.  As for the writing, it's going fairly well: I'm working on my first feature-length screenplay, which is coming along quite nicely and should be finished in first draft form before Christmas.

Other than that, Emily and I have been a bit out and about as of late.  I didn't mention it at all in my blog last month, but we spent a few days in Lisbon, Portugal, which is a really lovely city.  We initially made the plans to go see Arcade Fire perform on a concert there (I'm a big fan of theirs, and love the new album), and decided to turn it into a three-day opportunity to see a new city, since I had heard lovely things about Lisbon.  Unfortunately the concert was canceled due to a NATO meeting being held in the city that weekend, but the city was lovely anyway, and the trip well worth it.  And we just got back last night from spending a week in Vigo with some cousins; Vigo is the biggest city in Galicia (with a population a bit bigger than Buffalo), and though it's still only small-to-medium size in terms of population and area, it feels much more metropolitan to me (possibly because you've got many of Galicia's "best and brightest" living condensed in a small space).  The week was a treat, it was lovely to be with family (as always), but particularly nice to spend some time in a more-bustling area than Raxo (especially during the dreary winter time here), and enjoy the things only a city can offer (namely, sushi).

Not much else is new since I was blogging more frequently.  We have a tiny little Christmas tree, which helps normalize the holiday season, even while the rest feels nothing at all like the holiday season I have come to know (such as being away from primary family, not being inundated with "Black Friday"/holiday shopping insanity, and the weather [ohh, the weather, how I love thee...I could definitely get used to mid-December lunches on the balcony, overlooking the ocean, when it's 70 degrees and sunny]).

Well anyway, I'll try to be more active from now on, including on some details regarding the trips I mentioned, including photos and such, in the future.  Also, if you're a reader, leave a comment some time, it's nice to hear back from everyone.